The Easel on Stribling Gift Guide
Since 2018, Easel on Stribling has been creating art and gifts with the USNA family in mind... and that means everyone! Check out our favorite recommendations.
For Everyone: The coffee table book
This is where it all began! Easel on Stribling began as a painting project with the end goal of a published coffee table book that anyone could hold and find inspiration in.
Described by one grad as a "love letter to the midshipman experience," this book will inspire future midshipman, comfort new Navy families, and inspire nostalgia in salty graduates.
A Midshipman’s Journey: Plebe to officer at the United Sates Naval Academy through a Graduate’s eyes and Painter’s Brush
For the New Plebe Family: Puzzles, Journals, and Cards, oh my!
That first summer and year are hard for everyone, families included. That's why we recommend these two gifts!
Our pride and joy, our puzzles offer you a relaxing activity as you wait for that next phone call. Choose from a variety of cheerful illustrations to add a little joy to the quiet moments.
A Midshipman's Journal
"But my plebe doesn't have time to write!"
We know! It's for YOU :)
Whether you choose to write it in or not, we know you will love having it as aguide for questions to ask your midshipman throughout their time at USNA. We've found parents love it just as much as grads.
Greeting Cards
We love stationery, and have a few plebe specific cards to offer some encouragement during plebe summer. Available as singles and sets of 10, stock up for all the mail you will send this year!
For the Grad
Here's where we really want to celebrate... so get them an original or print of their favorite place or moment from USNA and a set of greeting cards they can use as thank you notes.
For the Midshipman
We are softies for stickers, and made them especially for the mids in mind. Fun and perfect for the waterbottle or laptop, add a few of these to your collection.
For the Shipmates
But still when two or three shall meet,. And old tales be retold...
Those friendships are our favorite parts of being grads, and we have a few ways to show you.
For the Holidays
Did you know we curate a holiday shop every year? Our favorite is the annual woodburned ornament, created alongside another great USNA brand, Forever Firstie. Each year we offer a dated signature ornament, as well as undated of previous designs.